What is your first thought when you lock yourself out of your house? Or perhaps you lost your keys? Locksmith! In situations where you are unable to find keys, a locksmith can provide you with proper Intel and assistance provided they are able to duplicate it.
Yes, locksmiths are equipped to duplicate keys of various kinds but it is vital to know which ones they can and which ones they cannot. Let’s take a look at the most common keys that a locksmith can duplicate.
There are Keys that Locksmiths CAN’T Duplicate
The “Restricted Category”
Keys: The ones Locksmith can duplicate
Almost all keys can be duplicated. Having said that the most known ones are as given under:
1. Car Keys: A locksmith can duplicate most of the car keys except the ones can need a brand-new key to unlock. However, most modern car keys are difficult to duplicate. Although duplicating a simple car key should not be a problem.
2. House Keys: Forgot your keys inside the house? You don’t have to worry one bit. Locksmiths can easily duplicate your front door locks giving you way into your house.
3. Safe Keys: Safe keys have unique patterns and equipment for safety purposes. Although it is possible to duplicate them depending on their type and nature.
4. Chubb Keys: Chubb keys are relatively big in size and have unique combinations. It may take longer to supplicate a Chubb key but definitely possible.
5. Yale Keys: Yale keys are small, simple keys that can be easily duplicated by the locksmith.