5 Reasons to Have a Home Safe

Over 2.5 million burglaries happen every year in the United States. You can do everything in your power and still be targeted by thieves. While alarms and burglar bars are some of the best ways to keep people out, most people don’t consider what will happen to their valuables if someone does manage to get in.

This is where home safes come into play. There are tons of different home safes out there, so you’ll be able to find one that meets your needs and keep your possessions safe.

Keep reading to find out why you should invest in a home safe.

1. Store Valuables

The most common reason most people purchase a home safe is to keep their valuables safe. Having a go-to place to store all your valuable possessions will give you peace of mind when you’re not home.

While many people use safes while they’re on vacation, they’re also handy day-to-day items. Anything you don’t want lying around like documents or medication can be stored in a safe to keep prying eyes and hands away.

Not only can you store things you care about in them, but it’s also a good idea to store emergency equipment inside. Things like flashlights and a first aid kit should always be in your safe in case of emergency. These can be a lifesaver when the time comes for you to use them and you don’t have to go searching for them.

2. Peace of Mind

If you ever plan on traveling, a valuable safe is something you should invest in. While a lot of people opt to leave their valuables at a friend’s or family member’s home, this still isn’t the safest option. What’s to say their home won’t be targeted by a burglar?

When you invest in a safe with electronic safe locks you also don’t have to worry about losing your keys while on vacation. Simply remember the code and pack your bags. Since most types of safes are bolted to the floor you can rest easy that your valuables (and safe!) will still be there when you get back.

But don’t worry if you can’t remember the code when you get home. While we tend to think locksmiths only work with physical keys, they can also help you if you lock yourself out of your valuables safe.

3. Prevent Identity Theft

A safe that has a document storage section is a crucial feature these days. Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes at the moment, so adding a layer of home security to your documents is important.

All the important documents that you don’t need to take with you every day can be safely stored in most types of safes. Consider storing the following:

  • Your social security card
  • Card statements
  • Tax returns
  • Payslips

When picking between different types of safes to store your documents in, don’t just go for the smallest option. While you might just want to store your documents, if the safe is too light and easy to move, burglars might just take the entire safe with them. Rather opt for a valuable safe that can also store your documents.

4. Store Your Firearms

Depending on which state you live in, it might be illegal to store your guns in your car or anywhere that is accessible. This means you can’t simply keep your gun in your car’s glove compartment, it needs to be stored properly otherwise it can be confiscated by law enforcement.

Storing your gun safely and securely in a safe can reduce gun injuries and deaths. They’ll be locked up safely, so no one can accidentally access them.

These days there are a lot more options when it comes to safes. A valuable safe is what most people think of when you’re discussing the different types of safes, but a home safe can also be the perfect place to store your guns. 

5. Delaying Tactic

Like with home security, having any type of safe is better than having no safe at all. A safe is a delaying tactic, so it doesn’t necessarily need to be top-of-the-line.

If your home does get broken into, the burglar is going to go for the easy-to-pocket items first. Things that are laying around or shoved in drawers will be grabbed first before they start looking for more expensive items like computers and jewelry boxes. Whereas breaking into a safe requires time.

Most burglars are focused on getting in and out. They don’t want to get caught on your property, so if they encounter a safe, chances are they won’t even try to open it as it’s time-consuming and potentially noisy.

So while your safe might not keep all your possessions safe, you can store your most valuable and sentimental pieces in it to ensure they stay safe.

Home Safes Keep Your Home Safe

When it comes to picking between different home safes you need to decide exactly what you’re going to use it for and where you’re going to put it. This can help you pick the right size home safe that will actually be used. Consider what valuables you want to keep safe as a document storage safe will look different than a jewelry safe.

If you already have a safe, but lost the code to your safe locks, consider calling a locksmith to come and take a look. Our locksmiths have access to up-to-date tools, methods, and know-how to do the job right.